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An Open Letter to Animal Control Officers

Writer's picture: Kathy GabrielescuKathy Gabrielescu

I never obtained my animal control license; however, I have been in animal welfare and TNR for 25 years now. I have worked with countless shelters in various municipalities for decades. At this point I no longer understand animal control officers.

I would assume that most current ACOs went into this field because they love animals and feel obligated to prevent as much homelessness and suffering as possible. However, sometime after that decision, the mission seems to have been abandoned. Part of stopping the flood of incoming homeless animals is to be willing to stand up and fight for them . Going to work and simply taking care of the calls you are assigned and caring for the select few animals that you have chosen to admit to the shelter is not solving the problem or even being remotely part of the solution.

I have tried over the years to work with multiple towns and in every single case it has ended in a similar way.

Despite spending in some cases over $80,000 per year on a single town's TNR while providing thousands of hours of free labor, the one thing I requested would not be accommodated.

Many people who opt to feed cats will actually refuse to spay/neuter. They will deny access to property or literally hide the cats. They will sneak feed to thwart anyone else's attempts to fix the population.

With the current laws and most local ordinances, it would be easy to deal with this behavior. During my work, there was no additional legislation needed to address this, yet towns refused to enforce the existing ordinances and even state law, allowing colonies to breed in neighborhoods without consequence to the feeder. Round and round we would go with the same feeders creating more and more cats every single year.

In every case, I eventually had to jump off the merry-go-round as it was clear that I had no support as a nonprofit despite having invested incredible amounts of time fundraising, trapping, transporting, and arranging surgeries. It became clear that the municipalities were looking for a free "feel good" Band-Aid, pretending to invest in TNR without pursuing a real multifaceted solution.

At least once per week I see animal control officers or "friends of" various animal control groups posting on social media. I see the posts seeking donations, asking for help or announcing what a great job they are doing.

Here's the problem--I see them on the same social media I am using. I know they see the same posts of animal neglect, cats breeding and denial of medical care to sick and injured cats. They see the posts pleading for rescues to take cats just as I do. They know that when legitimate rescues are full, the cats will either go to people without the resources to care for them or be left to breed, suffer and die on the streets, and the end will be painful and slow.

So Animal Control Officers of New Jersey, here are my questions:

  • With all you see and all you know, why are you not fighting?

  • Why are you not standing up to municipalities and saying we are underfunded, undertrained and do not have the space to accommodate intake?

  • Why are you scrolling past acts of cruelty and neglect in your own town and not pursuing them, or advising people of proper protocol for reporting animal cruelty, injury, or illness?

  • Why are you telling residents you have waiting lists, no room for owner surrenders, and no way to assist with TNR?

  • Why have you chosen to avoid euthanasia and unpopularity, knowing that the cost of not upsetting people is that the same animals will die slow, painful deaths on the street?

Above all, when did you stop advocating for animals and become part of the problem?


Jun 10, 2023

and Our taxes pay their salaries.. this is neglect by them. Paperwork to help animals?

Kathy Gabrielescu
Kathy Gabrielescu
Jun 11, 2023
Replying to

What we can not understand is why they do not want to work with groups like ours that want to change the amount of resources available for animals on our streets. If animal control is underfunded and there are not enough shelters why not fight for change?


Unknown member
Jun 08, 2023

The police reported this situation to the health department. Hopefully this will get things moving!


Unknown member
Jun 06, 2023

Just tonight I got a call enroute home from work. A call from the projects where a dog and a cat were abandoned in an apartment. The police and neighbors had been feeding the cat and dog for a month while animal control refused to come stating that they needed paperwork proving that these animals were abandoned.. THEY WOULDN'T EVEN HELP THE POLICE! They gave them the run around and did NOT step up. It's like they do more work to do less work. What is going on here???

Replying to

Animal control and towns have exploited every loophole possible to make sure people do not call about the millions of cats and dogs suffering. Plenty of heroic self promoting videos of oddball wildlife jobs they do as they fail taxpayers and domesticated animals that are abandoned as a result, breeding and suffering outside.

If you can, any refusal of animal control to pick up the animals should be reported to the state public health veterinarian. We have a blog post called “cloverleafs and corruption” that explains how!

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