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We can't do this without you.

Our mission at Whiskers is to create and support feral cat caretakers who understand that the goal of TNR is no more cats born outside to suffer. We do not have fosters, but instead opt to focus on preventing litters that fill shelters and suffer hard lives spent battling - and ultimately succumbing to - disease, predation, cruelty or exposure. 


We noticed especially with the statewide veterinary shortage that there is no way to rescue or adopt our way out of the huge outdoor cat population in New Jersey. It has to be stopped at the source, so that there no litters born to be turned away from the state's closed admission or absent shelters. It means that every person who feeds must fix.


We are here to help you do just that. Our president, Kathy Gabrielescu, works 7 days a week for 14 hours/day, constantly listing, packing, photographing cleaning cat rescue jewelry that is donated to our eBay store, which at any moment has over 6,000 items of inventory. It is a full-time job with longer hours than a typical nine-to-five, and allows us to offer programs like the 50 Feral Fix and assist people truly in need of financial and TNR assistance. We also depend on donations from our supporters, and have many ways that you can help us empower whole communities to address the cat crisis.


We do not receive any support from municipalities or the state. We have tried many times to get our feet in the doors of towns to help, but we have found that most towns simply want the cat problem to "go away." This led us to our current mission: to empower cat caretakers to reduce the cats born outside with our support and assistance. 


We are here to help anyone who truly wants to do the right thing and reduce the suffering of outdoor cats. We have decades of experience trapping in every kind of setting imaginable throughout New Jersey, and are very eager to share our resources with anyone who is willing to be a caretaker, not just a feeder. Everyone should get to experience the relief of seeing a fixed colony no longer reproducing and fighting brutal nature outdoors, knowing that they are able to trap and get any newcomers fixed with our help.

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